Carbon Done Right


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Bext360’s blockchain technology can calculate individual tree carbon sequestration and trace carbon credit ownership

Individual Tree Tracking

Individual Tree Tracking Carbon Done RIght





Blockchain ensures that carbon credits are tracked and retired to a single consumer by creating an immutable and transparent ledger that records all transactions

Use Case 1: Individual Tree Tracking

Individual Tree Tracking Carbon Done RIght

Plant Tree & Record in App

  • Tree is planted and each tree planting event is recorded as a transaction in mobile app
  • Secure, immutable blockchain record of each tree is created
Evaluate Individual Tree

Evaluate Individual Tree

  • Individual tree record is updated with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and tree health status
  • Farmer takes photo for proof point, verified with geolocation
Calculate Carbon Sequestered

Calculate Carbon Sequestered

  • Diameter, height, tree species, and location are used to calculate biomass and quantity of carbon sequestered
Verify & Issue Carbon Credits

Verify & Issue Carbon Credits

  • Tree is planted and each tree planting event is recorded as a transaction in mobile app
  • Secure, immutable blockchain record of each tree is created
Retire Credit to Consumer

Retire Credit to Consumer

  • Tree is planted and each tree planting event is recorded as a transaction in mobile app
  • Secure, immutable blockchain record of each tree is created

Use Case 2: Ground-Truthing

Individual Tree Tracking Carbon Done RIght

Capture Satellite Imagery

  • Satellite images of
    parcels are captured
    by satellite partner

Analyze Land

  • AI technology is used to count number of trees and calculate estimated carbon sequestered
Evaluate Individual Tree

Conduct GroundTruthing

  • Data such as diameter, height, species, and location of individual trees are collected using Bext360 mobile app
Verify & Issue Carbon Credits

Verify Carbon Credits

  • Tree biomass is calculated to verify carbon sequestration estimations
  • Carbon credit is verified
Retire Credit to Consumer

Retire Credit to Consumer

  • Unique record of each transaction of the carbon credit is tracked using blockchain
  • Carbon credit is retired to final consumer

Sampling Area

Sampling Area

Sample ground-truthing involves measuring and
analyzing a representative portion of an area’s
trees to estimate the carbon sequestered for the
entire area through extrapolation

Use Case 2: Ground-Truthing

Identify existing project

 Identify existing project

  • Existing carbon offset project requiring auditing to confirm carbon sequestration values is identified

 Determine Auditable

  •  Subset of carbon offset
    project area is identified
    to conduct ground
    truthing at the individual
Evaluate Individual Tree

 Conduct Ground Truthing

  • Data such as diameter, height, species, and location of individual trees are collected using Bext360 mobile app
Verify & Issue Carbon Credits
Provide Verification
  • Tree biomass is calculated to verify carbon sequestration estimations
  • Carbon credit is verified

Bext360’s technology can be used to audit carbon credit projects by conducting onsite sampling ground truthing to verify carbon sequestration estimations

 Bext360 Tree Capabilities



Tree Asset Functionality
  • Asset Blockchain
  • Asset Tokenization
  • Asset Node Designation
  • Asset Group Designation
  • Asset Group within Group Designation
  • Asset API
  • Asset Management
  • Unique Asset Identification
  • Plant Classification Management
  • Internal UI Management of Assets
  •  External UI Asset Visualization
Platform Functionality
  • Global Access
  • Scalable, Virtually No Limit
  • Landowner Management
  • Link to Existing Plant Classification Databases
Carbon Tracking

Carbon Tracking

Carbon Assessment
  • Carbon Management
  • Carbon Assessment by Asset
  • Multiple Assessments per Asset
  • Allometric Equation Management
  • Asset Group within Group Designation
  • Link to Existing Allometric Equation Databases
Carbon Credit
  • Carbon Credit Management
  • Carbon Credit Single Point of Truth
  • Carbon Credit Retirement
  • Carbon Credit Asset Validation
  • Carbon Credit Asset Proof
Evaluate Individual Tree

Tree Mobile App

Tree Asset Evaluation
  • New Planting Registration
  • Existing Growth Registration
  • Growth Evaluation
  • Health Evaluation
  • Carbon Evaluation
  • Automatic Tree Identification of
    Existing Assets
Tree Attribute
  • Height Identification
  • DBH Capture
  • Canopy Size Capture
  • Canopy Densitometer Capture
App Functionality
  • Offline Data Entry
  • Metadata Capture
  • Sync Functionality
  • Landowner Registration

Bext360 Mobile Application

Step 1. Add new tree to platform using Add Tree workflow

Step 2. Evaluate tree to calculate carbon sequestered and track growth over time