Bext360’s blockchain technology can calculate individual tree carbon sequestration and trace carbon credit ownership
Individual Tree Tracking
Blockchain ensures that carbon credits are tracked and retired to a single consumer by creating an immutable and transparent ledger that records all transactions
Use Case 1: Individual Tree Tracking
Plant Tree & Record in App
Evaluate Individual Tree
Calculate Carbon Sequestered
Verify & Issue Carbon Credits
Retire Credit to Consumer
Use Case 2: Ground-Truthing
Capture Satellite Imagery
Analyze Land
Conduct GroundTruthing
Verify Carbon Credits
Retire Credit to Consumer
Sample ground-truthing involves measuring and
analyzing a representative portion of an area’s
trees to estimate the carbon sequestered for the
entire area through extrapolation
Use Case 2: Ground-Truthing
Identify existing project
Determine Auditable
Conduct Ground Truthing
Bext360’s technology can be used to audit carbon credit projects by conducting onsite sampling ground truthing to verify carbon sequestration estimations
Bext360 Tree Capabilities